Recirculation Cleaning Tool
When used with Sani-Vak® G3, Celeste’s Recirculation Tool can treat the most severe cases of scale buildup in vacuum lines, where build up has reached a thickness of 6mm (1/4”) or more, precluding the need for a dismantling of the lavatory system. The Celeste Recirculation Cleaning Tool is designed to circulate a cleaning fluid, at a controlled temperature and negative pressure, throughout a commercial aircraft’s waste lines. The system is designed with materials of construction and process flow configurations that are for use only with Celeste approved cleaning chemicals and fluids. |
User Guide
An overview guide for operating the Recirculation Cleaning Tool.
Dislodging a Clog
To loosen a minor clog, try reversing flow direction.
Good Flow vs. Bad Flow
Check for signs of flow issues.
Applying Grease to Connection Points
High vacuum silicone grease is recommended for maximum seal.
Recovering from Over Temperature
Learn how to reset and resume cleaning if over temperature occurs.
Before & After
Take a look inside to see the effectiveness of the Remediation Cleaning Tool.
Sustainable solutions to everyday problems
2022 Celeste Industries Corp.