At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic a lot of airplanes were parked or put into short to mid-term storage. As passengers are slowly returning to flying and airlines are adding flights, it is important to consider what measures should be taken in order to return stored aircraft to service. Preparing an aircraft to return to service can be a challenging process, especially if the cabin and lavatories were not thoroughly cleaned prior to putting the aircraft into storage. If all sources of malodor were not adequately treated beforehand, bacteria, mold, and mildew could have continued to multiply during storage producing a foul cabin environment. In addition, dust and dirt may have collected on surfaces creating an unappealing appearance. In order to get the cabin back into a clean, presentable state with fully functional waste and water systems, a comprehensive cleaning process needs to occur. Celeste Industries has the products to help our airline partners with this task.
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May 2020