Lavatory odors can quickly get out of hand if they are not properly treated. The only way to eliminate malodors completely is to attack them at the source. This means utilizing cleaning and maintenance products that are designed to solve malodor problems. It is essential to use aircraft approved lavatory chemicals, enzymatic cleaners, and disinfectants to avoid creating more problems. Attack Malodors at the Source Masking malodors with a heavy fragrance load is only a temporary fix; to completely eliminate the malodor, you need to attack it at the source. This means following strict cleaning and maintenance tasks using aircraft approved products to remove and prevent sources of malodor. It is essential to use quality chemicals for these tasks; some commonly available products are ineffective and will ultimately make the problem worse by encouraging bacteria growth or organic/inorganic buildup to occur. Sources of Malodor When you are dealing with human waste, there is a lot of opportunity for malodors to develop. The primary sources of malodor are:
Masking a Malodor is Only Temporary A common misconception with lavatory malodors is that a high fragrance load will be sufficient to cover it up. But once the pleasant fragrance dissipates, all that will be left is the malodor and over time the malodor will get worse as the source grows (i.e. organic/inorganic buildup increasing and bacteria multiplying). This method requires constant, heavy dosing of a pleasantly fragranced chemical to consistently mask the malodor. Over time as the source of the malodor grows, more and more pleasantly fragranced chemical will be needed to mask it. Celeste Solutions
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May 2020